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  1. Tina
    November 9, 2016 @ 09:13

    Safe travels Tim. I look forward to hearing how the “rest of the world” is responding to this election in the US. Tina


    • Tim Flanagan
      November 13, 2016 @ 08:36

      I’m still asked about it every day.


  2. Bruce Yarnall
    November 9, 2016 @ 09:18

    Tim, I wish I has an answer for that. I am not sure how much of it was pure dislike/distrust or Clinton since she has a lot of baggage. Trump mobilizing his base since older white males do get out an vote while Millennials did not vote as did large numbers of Hispanics and Black people (her support of the crime bill and super predator comments hurt her).
    Being in the US during this election season was scary since Trump would out right lie on multiple occasions and his supports didn’t seem to care, never mind his obvious attitude towards women.
    I think the white males of the USA are feeling threatened and left behind by changing economics, growing power of women and non-white men, changing marriage and gender norms (though Trump never seemed to have any issues with gay marriage – but he did pick Mike Pence as his VP). I hear a lot of talk about “America is changing,” “we need to take our country back”, “restore the constitution”, and “this isn’t the America I grew up in”
    What really scares me is that republicans control the house, senate and the white house so they can pretty much appoint anyone they want to the Supreme Court which will affect the country for decades to come.
    I am just thinking Elizabeth Warren for 2020. I would campaign for her .


    • Tim Flanagan
      November 13, 2016 @ 08:42

      You’re right, the consequences of this election will last for decades. I told my Uber driver that I think America could learn something from Malaysia – so many different cultures, races and religions living together peacefully.


  3. Paula Agins
    November 9, 2016 @ 09:37

    Somehow I just can’t get my thoughts together, or my emotions, to respond to this awful outcome.


  4. Cindy Cassidy
    November 9, 2016 @ 12:46

    Your timing couldn’t have been better when posting this blog. Every other day I do an enrichment activity with a small group of 7th graders, and our focus for the last 6 weeks has been the election. Today, we looked at the electoral college and how Hillary Clinton was winning the popular vote, but the electoral vote looked otherwise. I also thought that I would share your blogpost and I prefaced the conversation with “take the opinion of the Vietnamese students out of the equation, but instead focus on WHY students in another country thousands of miles away CARE about a U.S. election and HOW this may have an impact on their lives. Every week when we do Current Events, my 3 presenters MUST answer the question, “Why do we need to care about this in the U.S. when it’s happening in another country. Your blogpost showed them exactly why!! (ALSO, my students were genuinely surprised that Vietnamese students were doing poetry AND editing/revising, just as they would be expected to do in the U.S.) As always, thank you for sharing your teachable moments so that we can share them to our students!


    • Tim Flanagan
      November 13, 2016 @ 08:43

      So glad it worked out for you. Thanks for using my post to teach.


  5. Gail
    November 9, 2016 @ 15:58

    Thank you Tim for sharing the reaction of your students. It was difficult for many to wake up this morning with the reality before us. Looking forward to your future posts.


    • Tim Flanagan
      November 13, 2016 @ 08:44

      It’s a privilege to be watching this from abroad and hearing everyone’s reactions. I’ll share as much as I can!


  6. Lori
    November 11, 2016 @ 07:25

    A teachable moment for sure……


    • Tim Flanagan
      November 13, 2016 @ 08:46

      And I’m sure there are many more to come.


  7. Elaine T
    November 11, 2016 @ 08:50

    Wow. It was had being here after the election, I think half the country (or actually more!) was in mourning.


    • Tim Flanagan
      November 13, 2016 @ 08:48

      That’s what I’ve been hearing.


  8. Diane Weisman
    November 13, 2016 @ 09:54

    I hope you’re having fun in Malaysia, actually you may have returned to Vietnam by now. I’ll bet you have been hard pressed not to talk American politics in the last four days.
    Not only is a good part of the world as well as our country in shock, but so much hatred and racism is occurring in schools by student’s who are showing signs of white supremacy antics. It is frightening for the children of liberals and immigrants. Not so sure if I feel fortunate to be witnessing so much history being made. However, I am excited to see the moon at it’s closest proximity to earth since 1948. Be well my friend.


    • Tim Flanagan
      November 23, 2016 @ 01:36

      I’ve had a lot of interesting conversations about the elections. Some people are very concerned while others think that Trump won’t do most of what he says. I had a long conversation with a college student who is reconsidering his plans to go to the US for graduate study. He doesn’t feel it would be safe to be a foreigner there now.


  9. Marika Heughins
    December 14, 2016 @ 19:35

    It’s a day that none of us will forget. Most of us are still walking around in shock…


    • Tim Flanagan
      December 16, 2016 @ 06:43

      As is the rest of the world.


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