Using My Online Identity to Support My Offline Teacher Identity
ORMS Module 5
This module of the Online Research and Media Skills course has gotten me to think more deeply about my online identity. The reasons for curating this identity, and the steps and tools to do so (presented in the slide show) were very helpful. I appreciate the practical ideas, such as having a central portal for my online identity on a site that is independent of my school. In the past, I have had a class web page that I shared with the teachers on my team. Now I will consider creating my own website that I can link to my blog, class page, grade-level sites and more. Another idea that resonated with me was that teachers should develop an online identity that is consistent with the identity students and colleagues see in school. I have resisted participating in social networking sites such as Facebook because I never felt the need to share personal information online and had concerns about privacy. When I view these sites for the purpose of developing the identity that my students see in school, I can see how they can be valuable. I also am looking forward to putting more and more of my teaching content online as I get more practice with screencasting.