This week I have been reading about Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Constructivism, and Connectivism. I was initially drawn toward Connectivism since it is a learning theory for the digital age. However, it was good to be reminded of the benefits of the other learning theories and how each one may be useful depending on the learning task, the teaching environment and the students. I like how Keith Brennan put it (bluntly) in his blog post:
I’m not a Constructivist, Behaviourist, Cognitivist, or Connectivist. This is not a call for a return to an older theory. I’m a pragmatist, like many educators. I flirt outrageously with every theory that will have me. I’m ideologically promiscuous. I go with what works, and I am ruthless in weeding out what doesn’t. I do this because there is no “one size fits all” theory. Because there is no “one size fits all” student.
That being said, I feel I am less adept at using Connectivist approaches in the classroom and am working to improve in this area. My readings and research this week also helped me to see the value of Connectivism in my role of teacher-as-student. I need to develop my Personal Learning Network and make better leverage of technology to increase my own knowledge. The Storify below summarizes my learning this week.
January 12, 2014 @ 23:59
AllI I can say right now is I so respect you Tim!