Today’s prompt: How do I involve the community in learning in my classroom?
Although I have tried to involve the community in my classroom in the past, my experience is limited. This is a goal for me this year.
When I think of the word “community” in this prompt, I think of a global community. I have learned about many ways to connect my classroom with the outside world over the past year. This year, I am exploring ways accomplish this. I will be using connections I made in Morocco this summer, and organizations such as iEARN and Global Nomads to bring the outside world into my classroom. I have compiled this LiveBinder to keep track of resources to use to teach global competencies.
Today I watched a video where Chris Plutte from Global Nomads explained that engaging cross-cultural exchanges are no longer a “nice to have.” I do believe that teachers must engage the world community in their classrooms to give students opportunities to develop global competencies.