This is the prompt for Day 10 of the blogging challenge.
Here’s my attempt at a response.
Five random facts
- While working at The Gap in high school, I once sold a pair of jeans to Jack Nicholson, I think.
- I worked as an ice cream man in college, delivering hot fudge sundaes to the dorms.
- Also in college, I was paid lots of money to be a garbage man, and worked for a time as a custodian at an exclusive all-girls boarding school.
- I love chai.
- I studied Arabic in Morocco this summer, and can actually read some words!
Four things on my bucket list
(Disclaimer: I’ve never made a bucket list. For some reason it doesn’t feel right to me. But if I had to make one, here’s some things that might be on it.)
- Live in Africa.
- Learn to play the violin.
- Fly a plane.
- Have as few worldly possessions as possible.
Three hopes for this year
- I will have a positive impact on all of my students.
- I will be able to try new ideas in the classroom without getting pulled towards constantly doing and worrying about all the things I “have to” do.
- I will make more time for friends and family.
Two things that made me laugh or cry as an educator
- I laugh when a student calls me Dad, and laugh even more when I am called Mom.
- I laugh at myself when I make mistakes in front of the class.
One thing I wish more people knew about me
- This is tough. I feel like I share what I want to share with others and am not that interested in people knowing more than they know. I enjoy meeting new people and getting to know them over time, and I feel that people who want to know me will take the time to do so. Sorry, but I really can’t think of something that I wish more people knew about me.