A Warm Welcome
The school year ends in a few weeks in the Philippines, but I was able to visit a small school near San Fernando, where I have been living for the past two and a half weeks. Bangbangolan Elementary School has about 150 students in grades 1-6. On the same grounds is Bangbangolan High School for grades 7-11. It sits on a hill with a beautiful view of the mountains and no other buildings in site.

The principal of the school, Ms. Nancy Nisperos, was kind enough to arrange my visit with less than one day’s notice. I enjoyed a nice conversation with her about the school and the reason why I was interested in visiting.
Since this is where McTery and Alzera attend school, I was able to borrow Richard and Prescilla’s Honda and drive through the mountains, further away from San Fernando, to the school. We passed many students either walking or waiting for jeepneys, where they would cram into the vehicles and hang on to the back for a ride to school.
Students Cleaning the School?
One of the first things I noticed was that there were students on campus, an hour before school officially began, cleaning the classrooms and the grounds. Students were also tending to the many plants in front of each classroom. I saw parents and teachers helping as well. They were even sweeping the street in front of the school. This happens every day.

Many students were eyeing me from around the school grounds, and everyone that passed me greeted me with, “Good morning, sir.” It didn’t matter if they were in first grade or high school, they all greeted me.

Next, I observed the flag ceremony. Students in the US might begin the day with the Pledge of Allegiance while standing at their desks. Students in the Philippines gather in the school courtyard for the raising of the flag, singing songs and dancing. It’s a great way to start the day. The ceremony was followed by a rehearsal for a school street dance performance that will be presented this week. The dancers were simply amazing, and every student in every grade participated together.

Teaching, Learning and Eating
I was invited to visit the fifth and sixth-grade classrooms. Upon entering, students stood and greeted me (this seems to happen everywhere I travel). I was able to spend about 30 minutes with each class, teaching them a little bit about where I’m from and school life in the United States. The students listened attentively and waited patiently as I walked from row to row showing pictures from my laptop. Every student either shook my hand or thanked me individually before I left.

I learned from the students that they attend school from about 8:00 until 4:00, although they arrive much earlier to start cleaning. Classes are mostly taught in English. Students also speak Filipino (Tagalog), Ilocano (the regional language) and one or more local dialects. They often mix three or four languages while speaking! The school year runs from June until early April.
I was treated to a delicious “merienda” of noodles, vegetable rolls, corn and Pepsi. The principal, teachers and I sat in the school canteen while students came and went during their morning break. It seemed that no one needed direct supervision. When the principal asked me to give her my impressions from my visit, I started by telling her that I felt a real sense of community and warmth from the school. It was clear that the students knew that they are part of a larger school community, as well as a city and country, and that they had responsibilities to their community. Of course, I mentioned how incredibly polite the students were and how eager they were to learn.

Lessons for Home
Most students in the US have many privileges and advantages over the students I’ve visited in Vietnam, the Philippines and elsewhere. Still, I think we could all learn a lot from how children are raised in other countries.

Standardized tests do not measure a child’s ability to greet visitors, respect others, contribute to the school community, care for the environment, clean up after themselves, make do with limited resources, or even to communicate in another language.

The students I’ve met in my travels are much more advanced in these “skills” than I think most US students are, and these skills go a long way towards being a productive and happy member of society. I know I will be reinforcing these habits with my future students in Connecticut!

Thank you to the students and staff at Bangbangolan Elementary School for demonstrating important lessons for me to take back to the United States.

Here are some shots of the fifth graders, who were eager to have their pictures taken.

And a few more photos from my visit

March 13, 2017 @ 05:27
After I read your comments and look at your pictures, I wonder what a teacher from another country would say about our schools and students!
March 15, 2017 @ 21:25
They’re usually surprised when I tell them my middle school stories!
March 13, 2017 @ 06:22
Love this post, Tim!!! So happy you were able to visit such a wonderful school! I loved the mural…….Can’t wait for you to come back and teach our students!
March 15, 2017 @ 21:28
That’s mostly why I’m doing this blog, so I won’t forget what I want to teach later.
March 13, 2017 @ 06:31
First of all Tim, your posts always serve as a reminder of thoughts I carry with me about children and life. From your photos I am reminded that smiles speak in every language. These children are no exception. In addition, their work ethic is cultivated throughout their life. What a way to instill pride in themselves, their school, and country! You are so right, our children have fallen behind in developing traits of caring, responsibilities, and participating in things that aren’t “fun”.
We miss the mark on several areas in schools as we focus so much on testing and scores as a measure of success.
The quote on the school wall is eye opening and oh so true! What a reminder to a school’s mission. For children.
This was a nice way to start my day. I enjoy your posts and learning from them.
March 15, 2017 @ 21:29
Thanks, Rosie. Every school I’ve passed by (even driving down the highway on buses) has murals with quotes like that painted on every wall. It’s a great idea.
March 13, 2017 @ 13:39
Would have loved this school, and it’s easy to see by the core values and signs of respect shown to you- independently!
Love the
March 15, 2017 @ 21:30
Very easy to take good photos of these kids!
March 13, 2017 @ 18:33
Such beautiful chilldren! I wish my 16 year old could experience a culture where you appreciate having a clean school because you help to clean it. Good manners do go a long way in the world. Stay safe.
March 15, 2017 @ 21:33
I’ve heard of US parents dropping their kids off in an African village for a week or month, just to teach these lessons. There’s a lot to be learned.
March 21, 2017 @ 16:57
What a wonderful way to live life! I admire the respect that the children and adults have for the school and each other. They certainly have much to teach us here in the USA!!!!
March 24, 2017 @ 00:51
It would be great to magically transport our kids to one of these schools for a week – just to see how things are done.
March 25, 2017 @ 20:04
Everyone cleaning the school before it starts is great. We can’t even get students to throw away their water bottles.
March 26, 2017 @ 23:17
And the only people using water bottles here are the tourists.
April 20, 2017 @ 17:45
Reading your post and returning to work after South Korea made the difference between our schools and those in Asia even more startling. We have forgotten to teach and celebrate so many of the basics – hard to teach respect for the place we spend our days in teaching and learning, harder to make kids understand that taking care of our places, our environment, our food and each other are the bases for community building.
April 21, 2017 @ 04:40
Very well said.
Dancing in the Street, Again | The Alternate Route
November 28, 2022 @ 12:02
[…] was nice to see so many familiar faces since I had visited the school the week before. Students greeted me all morning long and almost everyone wanted their picture […]