I have been assigned a task to choose something I want to learn . . . anything . . . and document the proecess I take as I learn about the chosen topic. I realize that most of the learning I do online relates to my schoolwork. I am often researching new methods to teach certain topics, finding materials, reading articles about areas of interest and more. I have also used the Internet, specifically YouTube, to find out how to do odd jobs around my house. It’s amazing how many videos are out there showing how to remove shower tile or change a faucet.
For this project, I have chosen the area of photography. I have been interested in photography since I was a child and have always had a camera. I love traveling and have pictures that I’ve taken hanging in my home from various continents. I also have many, many photos of my sons from over the years. Despite all of my experience, however, I don’t think I’ve gotten any better at taking a good picture. When a picture comes out great, I usually don’t know why; it seems as if it was just luck. I have become reliant on my digital camera’s automatic settings and rarely experiment with the manual features. For years I have thought about taking a photography course to learn more about how to master the art of picture taking, but it’s one of those things I haven’t gotten around to.
So, I plan on using the Internet and learning communities online to learn more about how to take a better photograph. I want to, once and for all, understand the manual settings on my camera. I may even use this information to purchase a better camera. I know that all of the information I need is out there. I just need to take the time to research, evaluate my sources, ask questions, practice, experiment, reflect and share my learning. This is, after all, what I ask my students to do.
July 22, 2013 @ 17:20
This should be interesting. I'll look forward to learning from you over time. I would love to know how to be a better photographer. This is also very true for those of us that only use our cell phone now. Be sure to document everything & anything as you learn.