I have been asked to write about what I think should be included in my digital portfolio. After reading research about portfolios, viewing examples, and writing this post, I have a few thoughts regarding my own digital portfolio.
I started the Instructional Technology and Digital Media Literacies sixth year program last summer. Since then, I have completed nine classes and am about to start the final two courses of the program. I have created many digital products, developed my digital learning hub, curated digital content, and used many digital tools for teaching, creating content, curating and connecting with other educators. A digital portfolio will be a great way to show what I have learned over the past year. I expect to include examples of units of study and lesson plans created during this program, tutorials I have created for teachers and students, and links to my website and online learning modules.
There are other essential pieces to a digital portfolio which I expect to include. These include:
- A statement of my philosophy of education.
- Reflections on several pieces of work and learning.
- Feedback from others who view my digital portfolio, and my comments and reflection on that feedback.
- A list of accomplishments and presentations, perhaps in the form of a curriculum vitae.
- Sample blog posts that show reflection on learning during this program.
- A list of courses studied with highlights of the biggest takeaways from each one.
- A comparison of my life as a teacher before the IT&DML program and now.
- A list of influential connections made during the program, such as who I follow on Twitter, new online spaces I’ve discovered, etc.
- Room for continual revision, reflection and updates to the digital portfolio.