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  1. Pamela Young
    May 27, 2023 @ 06:34

    Wonderful as always, Tim! Thanks for sharing!


    • Tim
      May 27, 2023 @ 14:48

      Always a pleasure!


  2. Lori
    May 27, 2023 @ 08:19

    Love everything about this post, Tim!!!


  3. Diane
    May 27, 2023 @ 11:31

    Tim, I love reading about your adventures.
    Thank you


    • Tim
      May 27, 2023 @ 14:50

      I love sharing them. Thanks for the comment!


  4. Stevi B
    May 27, 2023 @ 11:48

    Fascinating info and pictures as always! Thanks, Tim.


    • Tim
      May 27, 2023 @ 14:50

      Thanks, Stevi!


  5. Leah
    May 27, 2023 @ 20:42

    What a brave person you are on SO many levels and you must have a stomach of caste iron! Thanks for sharing your adventure. I miss you and look forward to hear about some of this in person.


    • Tim
      May 29, 2023 @ 00:10

      Miss you too. I’m already halfway through my trip though.


  6. Leah
    May 27, 2023 @ 20:44

    Looks like you are living your best life! Thanks for leading the way. Although I miss you back here in Westerly 🙂


  7. A Perfect Day | The Alternate Route
    May 28, 2023 @ 09:06

    […] though there are about 100,000 people living there. I met an American man across the street from my beautiful home who said he came to the city 25 years ago and decided he had to live there. Unfortunately, I think […]


  8. Sue M
    May 28, 2023 @ 20:06

    Wow! I am so impressed with your sense of adventure and willingness to venture outside the box. It’s a beautiful thing to see the world through your eyes. I hope to be able to do the same when I retire.


    • Tim
      May 29, 2023 @ 00:13

      I’m sure you will, Sue! Thanks for the comment.


  9. Elaine Temel
    May 30, 2023 @ 09:28

    The home exchange sounds like a wonderful program. What a great find! I love seeing the agave field. The rock climbing did look scary…but what a view!!!


    • Tim
      May 30, 2023 @ 16:42

      Thanks, Elaine. I love your comments!


  10. Vicky Ann
    June 2, 2023 @ 12:52

    To my friend with the best attitude on life- thanks for sharing…


    • Tim
      June 8, 2023 @ 09:53



  11. Arequipa | The Alternate Route
    May 5, 2024 @ 09:02

    […] also had a spacious and comfortable Home Exchange house for the week, with a beautiful back garden and fresh bread left at the front gate every […]


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