There were many topics to explore in my classes this week. I learned about “teaching like a pirate” in my Distance Learning class, “student voice and choice” in the Deeper Learning MOOC as well as interdisciplinary methods to teach global competencies in my Global Literacies class. All of these topics have been interesting. None of the topics are completely new to me. I have used “pirate” teaching methods in the past, continue to provide lots of choice in my classroom, and teach interdisciplinary unit.
As familiar as they are, though, I have also learned more than I already knew. I enjoyed listening in on a student panel in the DLMOOC hearing their perspective and advice for teachers about voice and choice. I questioned the “teach like a pirate” practices and struggled with how much of a role they should play in my classroom. I gathered many resources to connect my classroom with others and teach global competencies.
My Storify below focuses on my learning this week.
cc image by Hoodr